
20 DEC

Artificial intelligence may future-proof Danish healthcare services

Artificial intelligence and big data are building blocks in the development of personal health technologies. 

Medicine and medico technology Information technology
18 DEC

Kunstig intelligens kan fremtidssikre dansk sundhedsvæsen

Kunstig intelligens og big data er byggesten i udviklingen af personlige sundhedsteknologier, som kan hjælpe mennesker med kroniske lidelser og spare sundhedsvæsenet...

Medicine and medico technology Information technology
25 SEP

Top-forsker: Digitaliser dine sundhedsoplysninger

En af de mest citerede forskere i Danmark, professor Jun Wang deltager i DTU High Tech Summit med en opfordring til alle danskere om at digitalisere deres sundhedsoplysninger...

Biotechnology and biochemistry Medicine and medico technology
03 MAY

Topmøde om de digitale teknologiers potentiale

DTU's High Tech Summit 2018 bliver mødt med stor interesse fra erhvervslivet som allerede har købt eller reserveret 60 ud af 70 stande.

Information technology Biotechnology and biochemistry Medicine and medico technology Food, fish and agriculture
Illustration: Colourbox
03 MAY

Digitalization, health, food and biotech set the stage for High Tech Summit 2018

DTU’s High Tech Summit is attracting considerable interest from the business community who have already bought or booked 60 of the 70 stands.

Information technology Biotechnology and biochemistry Medicine and medico technology Food, fish and agriculture
Team Lundtech vinder Oi-X finalen forår 2018. Foto: Kaare Smith
18 APR

Højteknologisk plaster vinder innovationskonkurrence

Et plaster, som kan måle bevægelsesmønstre hos personer med Parkinsons sygdom, fik førstepladsen i DTU Skylabs Open innovation-X-finale.

Medical equipment and systems Medicine and medico technology
Profile News Picture, CACHET in profile and a cup of coffee
21 FEB

CACHET in Profile 2018

The Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET) have released the "CACHET in Profile 2018" report, which reports on research, research training, innovation in society...

Medicine and medico technology
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
13 JUN

Ten researchers receive grants for 'wild' experiments

VILLUM FONDEN is giving ten researchers up to DKK 2 million (EUR 268,000) each in funding to explore novel ideas. The money is earmarked for innovative and ‘wild’ ideas...

Biotechnology and biochemistry Energy Physics Information technology Medicine and medico technology
Foto: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
13 JUN

Ti forskere får støtte til vilde eksperimenter

Ti forskeres vilde eksperimenter får støtte fra VILLUM FONDEN, der med programmet VILLUM Eksperimenter støtter skæve forskningsideer.

Biotechnology and biochemistry Energy Physics Information technology Medicine and medico technology
17 APR

Novo Nordisk Foundation Grant


Information technology Medicine and medico technology
Photo: Joachim Rode
07 MAR

Digital solutions help patients to better health

Personal health technology will play a greater role in the future healthcare system, which will be characterized by a growing number of chronic patients and a strong patient...

Medicine and medico technology
Foto: Joachim Rode
06 MAR

Digitale løsninger hjælper patienter til bedre sundhed

Personlig sundhedsteknologi vil spille en større rolle i fremtidens sundhedsvæsen. Ny rapport peger på stort vækstpotentiale for life science-virksomheder.

Medicine and medico technology
forside_hvidbog om multisygdom
03 MAR

Whitepaper on Comorbidity in Denmark

English summary: Whitepaper published, for the first time documenting comorbidity in Denmark. The book documents the problems facing patients, when they are in contact...

Health and diseases
Building 324, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute
03 FEB

Millions for research into the treatment of heart patients and psychiatric and...

Innovation Fund Denmark has granted DKK 27 million to two major health-promoting projects carried out at the Copenhagen Center for Health Technology, CACHET,, in which...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Software and programming Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematics
Building 324, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute
01 FEB

Millioner til forskning i behandling af hjertepatienter og psykiatriske og neurologiske...

Innovationsfonden har bevilget 27 millioner til to store sundhedsfremmende projekter ved Copenhagen Center for Health Technology, CACHET, hvor DTU Compute og DTU Elektro...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Software and programming Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematics
IFD logo
02 JAN

CACHET Receives Funding for two Large Projects from the Innovation Fund Denmark...

The projects seek to develop and evaluate new healthcare monitoring technology for heart rhythm and psychiatric and neurological diseases. The goals are to enable early...

Information technology Medicine and medico technology
TEAM, girl sitting by a lake
01 NOV

CACHET to participate in €4 million European Research Network focused on technology...

TEAM, a new €4 million research and training network focused on developing new technologies that can support mental health services for young people, was formally announced...

Information technology Medicine and medico technology
Voice can be used to detect depressive and manic episodes in bipolar disorder
05 SEP

Voice can be used to detect depressive and manic episodes in bipolar disorder...

Analysis of everyday speech from smartphone has shown to be a sensitive and valid measure of depression and mania in bipolar disorder.

Medicine and medico technology Information technology
31 MAY

Engineers and doctors develop new healthcare technologies

New healthcare technologies are needed to prevent, diagnose and treat the increasing number of cases of disease associated with increases in life expectancies. And this...

Biotechnology and biochemistry Micro and nanotechnology Optics Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems Hospital layout and design Health and diseases Innovation and product development Entrepreneurship
Technologist nr. 8 - 2016
08 APR

Nyt Technologist ude nu

Et nyt nummer af DTU’s internationale magasin Technologist er nu på vej ud i hele Europa. Denne gang bl.a. med historien om, hvordan vi kommer til at færdes og leve i verdens...

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
Technologist no 8, 2016
08 APR

New issue of Technologist out now

The feature story in the new issue of DTU’s international magazine, Technologist, is about how we will be moving around in our big cities in the future.

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
Photo: Bertel Henning Jensen
17 MAR

I fremtidens skanner skal man ikke ligge stille

Seniorforsker Oline Vinter Olesen er i gang med at virkeliggøre en syv år gammel idé til en virksomhed med DTU, Harvard og Rigshospitalet i ryggen.

Information technology Hardware and components Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems
Photo: Bertel Henning Jensen
11 MAR

No need to lie still in the scanner of the future

Senior Researcher Oline Vinter Olesen is working on transforming a seven-year-old idea into a business, backed by DTU, Harvard, and Rigshospitalet.

Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems Hardware and components Image analysis
Photo: DTU
20 OCT

Health Technology in the hands of citizens

The Danish National Health Service is under pressure, with increasing numbers of elderly suffering from chronic disorders and a growing demand for healthcare services...

Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
Photo: DTU Electro
19 OCT

Sundhedsteknologi skal ud til borgerne

Det danske sundhedsvæsen er under pres. Der er stadig flere ældre, borgere med kroniske lidelser og en stigende efterspørgsel efter sundhedsydelser. Et nyt forskningscenter...

Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
Foto: DTU
08 JAN

Støtte til forskning i hjernelidelser og kræftbehandling

Forskningsgrupper fra DTU deltager i to tværfaglige projekter, der modtager millionstøtte fra Novo Nordisk Fonden.

Biotechnology and biochemistry Data analysis Nanomedicine Health and diseases Medicine and medico technology
20 MAY

Videnskab serveret på et sommerligt sølvfad

Virkelighed og videnskab forenes, når Science in the City indtager hovedstaden i juni måned. Her kan nysgerrighed på fremtidens teknologiske løsninger afprøves ved flere...

Marine research Biotechnology and biochemistry Energy Environment and pollution Physics Construction and mechanics Transport and logistics Medicine and medico technology Wind energy
16 DEC

DTU med i ni Højteknologifondsprojekter

Fra dansk produktion af ål over ny behandlingsmetode mod blærehalskirtelkræft til droner, der kan forberede os på stormfloder og oversvømmelser: DTU medvirker i ni ud...

Medical equipment and systems Energy systems Raw materials and raw materials exploitation Fisheries and fish stocks Water supply Climate change Solar energy Food production Mathematical analysis
Foto: Colourbox
14 MAY

Ny søgemaskine finder sjældne diagnoser

DTU Compute har udviklet et søgeværktøj, der kan hjælpe læger med at pejle sig ind på den rette diagnose hos patienter med sjældne sygdomme.

Computer calculations Data analysis Medical equipment and systems

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